Capricorn New Moon Horoscope

Explore the New moon in practical and grounded Capricorn by your sign

New Moon in Capricorn at 20°

The first New Moon of 2024 arrives on Thursday 11th January and it’s in the grounded & practical earth sign of Capricorn.

  it's supercharged with a kind of energy that's all about facing challenges, transforming your life, and finding a balance between your past and your future. 

This New Moon in Capricorn is like a personal invitation to make our dreams a solid reality. Capricorn is all about discipline and ambition, pushing us to set realistic goals. But there's a twist – the nodes squaring the moon are like cosmic pointers, nudging us to harmonize our history with our future goals.

New Moon in Capricorn - Horoscope 

Read for your sun and rising sign to see how this new moon will impact you.

Aries: Step up as a leader but remember the lessons from your past. It's all about balancing your go-getter attitude with wisdom.

Taurus: Time to look inward. Think about your beliefs and how they're shaping your life. Be open to changing your perspectives.

Gemini: Focus on what you share with others, like finances and deep connections. It's a great period for making smart, long-term decisions.

Cancer: Relationships are in the spotlight. How does your past affect your current bonds? Could be a good time for new commitments or healing old wounds.

Leo: Look at your daily routines and health. Finding a balance between work and self-care is key. Might need to shake up some old habits.

Virgo: Feel that creative energy? Express yourself, but be aware of any old insecurities. Overcome them to really shine.

Libra: Home and family issues might pop up. Work through past family stuff to create a peaceful future at home.

Scorpio: Your words have power. Reflect on past learning or sibling relationships that might affect your communication. Speak with intention.

Sagittarius: Financial planning time! Your values might clash with old spending habits. Perfect moment for budgeting and saving.

Aquarius: A spiritual journey awaits. It's time to face your inner world, release past hurts, and start healing.

Pisces: Your social life is getting a highlight. Balance old friendships with new goals. Networking might bring surprising opportunities.

This Capricorn New Moon is a powerful time for all the signs. It's about manifesting, reflecting, and growing. The square with the nodes is like a cosmic clue, helping us see how our past shapes our future.

Quick New Moon Ritual Tips:

  • Set clear goals. 
  • Meditate to connect with your inner self and the moon's energy.
  • Write down what you want to let go of and what you're aiming to achieve.

Happy New Moon and Manifesting!

    Love Cassandra xoxo

    If you would like to explore what the new year has in store for you I am available for Psychic card readings and Astrology consultations online and in Hobart.

    Categories: Astrology

    Categories: : Astrology